четверг, 28 февраля 2013 г.

This designer really used shadows and a gray color scheme to his advantage, one of my favorites 👌 #ship #space #nasa #photoshop #illustrator #logo #illustration #shadow #incredible #adobe #artist #details #design #dribbble #gray #graphic #webstagram #floating #mac #designer #design #webpage #website #webdesign #beautiful #clean by design_inspiration

This designer really used shadows and a gray color scheme to his advantage, one of my favorites 👌 #ship #space #nasa #photoshop #illustrator #logo #illustration #shadow #incredible #adobe #artist #details #design #dribbble #gray #graphic #webstagram #floating #mac #designer #design #webpage #website #webdesign #beautiful #clean via Instagram http://instagr.am/p/WTVGQFsoK5/ We are following you Ramotion.com

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