четверг, 29 ноября 2012 г.

Since I posted the example of Windows metro I been seeing what can be done with the Windows Ui... Come on Apple, time for an update? Here's an example from Yura Yarokhovich. He has some great UI examples on Dribbble! http://dribbble.com/y.yarokhovich #userinterface #dribbble #windowsUI #windowsmetro by mrdadams_

Since I posted the example of Windows metro I been seeing what can be done with the Windows Ui... Come on Apple, time for an update? Here's an example from Yura Yarokhovich. He has some great UI examples on Dribbble! http://dribbble.com/y.yarokhovich #userinterface #dribbble #windowsUI #windowsmetro via Instagram http://instagr.am/p/Sn87yGJLHU/ We are following you Ramotion.com

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